Sunday, March 30, 2008

I may not race but my heart does

After yesterday's marathon sleep, I was hoping I'd be recovered enough from whatever bug I was fighting to go for a run today even though it was supposed to be dreary and about 50 degrees with some rain. I did feel good enough even if the weather was much colder (31 degree windchill).

The idea was to do a long, slow run but after being so wiped out Friday and Saturday, I wasn't sure how far I could go.

I felt really good the whole run. I could have done another few miles except for my calves. They were tight from the get-go -- a side effect of the bug I was fighting. I wanted to run 11:30 miles plus 1-minute walk break, but ended up running faster and felt good the whole way. Unfortunately, the heart rate wasn't any lower. What is the deal with that heart rate?

Laps 2 through 5 include 1 minute walk breaks, plus another 2 minutes that Garmin didn't record when I was stretching my calves.

Lap 1: 11:26
Lap 2: 11:34
Lap 3: 11:23
Lap 4: 11:37
Lap 5: 12:13
Lap 6: 11:53

Ave/Max heart rate
Lap 1: 157/165
Lap 2: 163
Lap 3: 164/171
Lap 4: 167/172
Lap 5: 167/171
Lap 6: 165/169

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