Saturday, March 29, 2008

Marathon sleeping

I was so excited for a nice long, slow, easy run today. The sun was supposed to be shining ahd the temps might hit 50. That around here is a really good day these days. But the trouble started last night. My husband and I sat down to watch the NCAA Regional Semis (I'm a huge March Madness fan) and I was excited to root for Davidson (I love the underdog). We got home about halfway through the first half after having dinner with friends.

I felt pretty wiped out as I sat down to watch the game but I figured I just ate too much, But by 8 p.m. and halftime of the first game, I was beyond tired. I told my husband I was going to take a quick 20 minute nap just to feel a little better. Two hours later, I woke up. I had missed the rest of the Davidson game and was missing the beginning of the second game. I pulled myself out of bed and within 10 minutes, I realized I couldn't possibly stay awake. Shoot, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I headed back to bed and slept until 7:30 this morning. I got up to read the paper and eat breakfast before 9 a.m. yoga. But by 8 a.m., I was back in bed -- until 2 p.m. That's almost 18 HOURS OF SLEEP. The few times I woke up during my hibernation, all I could think about was getting outside for my run. The sun was shining, the temp was close to 50 and I was missing it! But I just couldn't move.

Unlike most people, when I get sick, I rarely gets colds or fevers. My illness show up as fatigue -- like being-hit-by-a-bus fatigue. I knew I'd been tired but I never expected to sleep that much. It took until 7 p.m. tonight to even begin to feel normal.

I'm pretty disgusted I missed a beautiful day to run, especially when it's supposed to rain so much this week. Hopefully, I'll feel alive again tomorrow and can hit the pavement.

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