Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Go figure

I was really looking to run yesterday but by the time I got home, I was dragging. I forced myself to go out. I'm ready for warmer temps, but 40 wasn't hateful.

My heart rate as I've mentioned before skyrockets when I run regardless of how slowly I run. So yesterday I decided I was just going to run and not worry about heart rates. So I started a bit too quickly and within a quarter mile could feel my heart rate was way too high. So I took a 10 second walk break.

I took another 30 second walk break at the end of the first mile and after the second mile. I was pretty happy with the times, especially with the walk breaks included, but these hearts rates are through the roof.

Here's what's really weird though: When I try to run slower to keep my heart rate somewhat lower, my RHR in the morning has been like 10 bpm higher. So yesterday I ran with a way too high heart rate and tonight I'm sitting in a chair with a heart rate that is much lower than it's been even upon waking. Go figure.

Lap 1: 10:43
Lap 2: 10:37
Lap 3: 10:45

Ave heart rate/max heart rate
Lap 1: 165/173
Lap 2: 169/175
Lap 3: 171/177

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