Saturday, March 28, 2009

I didn't even melt

So today was supposed to be a slow run day. Since I'm only increasing about a quarter mile a week per run, the plan was 2 miles on the soft track followed by .75 or 1 mile on the road. Because it looked like rain, I drove to the track. I don't mind running in rain but I don't like downpours when it's still chilly.

I didn't get through 1/16th of a mile when it started to rain softly, but it was cold. I thought about bagging the run outside and heading to the indoor track nearby but I hate that too. So I decided I'd at least get one mile in on the track and then head indoors if it rained harder.

It never got too much worse, so I ended up doing my full workout, which was pretty good since I had been on my feet teaching for 3 hours earlier today and I was already tired.

It was probably the rain that made me run faster (relatively speaking) than I wanted. I'd planned 12 minute miles, but I ended up at 11. I felt really good rain and all and wanted to go farther, but I am really restricting myself to just the workout planned. I don't want to do too much too soon (the story of my life.)

I'm glad it wasn't all that nice outside because I felt so good it would have been hard to stop at 3 miles.

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