Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Two steps to the long road ahead

I took my first steps to running yesterday -- in a walk. I started working on my ChiWalking technique and it was slow going. My technique feels rough and sloppy, although today was better than yesterday.

I only did a mile yesterday and 1.25 miles today. I could feel my back and didn't want to overdo it. But today when I woke up, my back felt great and has felt great tonight after my walk today. Thank goodness for indoor tracks. The snow and ice from last week's storm are still a mess.

What's really sad though was I was the slowest person on the track -- slower than the old folks. But that'll have to do for now. I promised myself I'd pay attention to form and what my body is telling me rather than distance and time. Oh man this is going to be harder than I thought.

I'm hoping going slowly at first speeds up my rehab in the long run.

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