Saturday, February 7, 2009

Finally running -- if you can call it that

Yesterday, the chiropractor gave me the go-ahead to try running -- a little. We agreed I would walk to warm up (half mile) then jog one lap and walk a lap for a mile at my local indoor track and then cool down with another half mile walk. It's not much, but it's a start.

I did pretty good. My back felt mostly good. My ChiRunning form however is a bit rusty. Still by the third lap, I started to find my groove at least a little. I am trying to go very slowly and patiently with this.

I love planning my workouts but there will be no plans. I started to create a plan but realized it's futile for now. I have to go with what my back and body tell me they are ready for not some pre-set time or distance, much less speed. Brother, this is not easy. But then again I am soooo greatful (spelling error on purpose) to be moving again.

OK, the truth is I do have a loose plan but it's still a plan or maybe a hope: Increase each of my runs by a 1/4 mile a week. So this week, I'm running a half mile total during each workout. So next week, if all goes, well, I'll do .75 miles per day. And then keep increasing each week until I hit 3 or 4 miles. Then I'll just add a mile on my long slow distance run each week and keep the other three runs at 3 or 4 miles. We'll see how it goes. I suppose having a plan is OK after all, I just have to be willing to alter it.

A far more serious goal that will help my running -- and my back -- is to lose 10 pounds maybe 15. Being sedentary for 10 weeks has taken its toll. Or maybe it's the Big "M" or pre-Big M. I am getting to that age. Either way I refuse to let myself get any bigger.

Truly the only goal I can have from now on is to run without every having another disk flareup. If I manage that, then every run is a success. We'll see how it goes.

Oh, and I'm headed to the pool this week for the first time in 10 years or so. Got the Total Immersion DVD in the mail yesterday and am ready to try a few drills.

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