Saturday, January 31, 2009


Today I went back to yoga for the first time in two months. I was excitedand scared at the same time. Saturday morning yoga is sacred time for me so I was thrilled to head back. But I can still feel a sensation in my back where the disk slightly ruptured. The doctor says I can't run until I don't feel that anymore, so I was pretty apprehensive at yoga.

The class started fine, but I'm not supposed to twist so that stopped several moves before they started. Still, I felt pretty good but more tentative than I'd have liked. I don't want to be so timid. But I didn't want to overdo either. I'm afraid I'm still using my back muscles instead of my core sometimes.

Tonight, my midback is tight (used my back muscles instead of core?). We'll see how everything feels tomorrow or Monday. I see the chiropractor again on Friday. Hope to hear that planks are OK and get cleared to run even a little.

Oh and I've decided to do my first sprint triathlon. It's not until late summer so I have plenty of time. Plus my friend Joyce agreed to do it with me. We can finish last together.

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