Thursday, January 15, 2009

Corporate America suprises me

Nothing about running or working out. Today I have to share an experience with corporate giant AT&T wireless. I've been a customer for about 4 years but in the last 18 months or so my coverage has gotten pretty miserable and I drop calls all over the place. In fact, I haven't been able to use my phone at home on many occasions.

I called customer service in August and was told a new tower would be up in December and would clear up my problem. I didn't really want to wait, but I also didn't want to pay $175 cancellation fee on my contract. So wait I did.

Earlier this week, I called AT&T again since December had passed and nothing is better. Actually, I called about the cancellation fee since I was really to bail on AT&T. The operator was quite nice but he wanted to try to fix the problem, and frankly I'd lost faith in the company and was ready to get a contract with another company -- and for no other reason than the quality customer service.

When I realized that he wasn't going to be able to relieve me of the $175 fee, I said my thank yous and moved on. I did an Internet search and easily found an e-mail link to the president of AT&T. So I sent him a note explaining why I was cancelling. I told him I thought he should waive the cancellation fee because I wasn't cancelling just to try some new phone but because his company wasn't providing me the service I was paying for.

Two days later, I cancelled my contract and went with another carrier. The next morning I get a call from the president's office where a nice young woman explains to me that she will look into my complaint. She says if she can fix the problem with one call, she won't be able to waive the $175 fee but if she finds the problem is more involved, AT&T will waive the fee.

She seems a little surprised that I'd already cancelled my contract but I told her I didn't really expect a response other than maybe a polite e-mail saying, "We're sorry you're not happy with our service but it's not our fault or there's nothing we can do."

I was impressed, the company not only contacted me but contacted me personally by phone. The young woman did just as she promised in the time frame she promised. She called this afternoon to inform me that the work I'd been told would be done back in August to fix my problem had been delayed, and, as a result, AT&T had removed the cancellation fee from my bill.

So let's hear it for corporate America doing the right thing. And for being truly responsive. I'm still amazed the president has an e-mail link right out there for anyone to contact him -- and that his office actually responds.

I have to say I'm pretty thrilled with the coverage of my new carrier so far. But I will certainly give AT&T another look someday.

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