Sunday, January 25, 2009

No running just yet

Saw the chiropractor on Friday. The back is coming along. I can go back to yoga but no twisting. I can keep riding the stationery bike and walk as much as I want, but no running yet. Maybe in two weeks.

I feel good, but when I overdo it, Iknow it. Lifting boxes last weekend when organizing/cleaning closets probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. I noticed after the closet cleaning that when I was on the bike, I just didn't feel right. My tailbone was tender. Five days later at the chiro's office, she said my pelvis was out of whack -- probably from lifting the boxes.

It's hard to take things so slowly. It's been 8 weeks of no running or yoga and I had to go 7 weeks with no workout of any kind. I'm going a little shack whacky. I want my endorphins and I want them now!

I started reading the Total Immersion swimming book. I've decided I want to run not only a half-marathon in 2009 but I'd like to try a sprint triathlon in the summer. I haven't been in the pool for years. I decided to try Total Immersion because I heard it had a lot of the same philosophies as ChiRunning like -- relaxing instead of muscling through and of listening to the body.

So here's my new mantra: I will listen to what my body tells me it wants to do not me tell my body what I want it to do. Boy, that's going to be tough. But really it's the only way I'll ever get to the half marry or the triathlon. I'm sure of that.

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