Thursday, December 4, 2008

Back to (in)action

OK, so that little back trouble I mentioned in the last post has turned into the worst back problem of my life. (And, of course, it happens when I just had my best run in a year.) I have suffered from back trouble since I fell off a bunkbed and on to my tailbone when I was 11 or so. Plus, I was in a couple of car accidents that caused undiagnosed -- for 20 years -- whiplash. So I have been prone to minor aches and pains. But this, this is a whole new place and I don't ever want to visit it again.

I have seen the crancial-sacral doc and the chiropractor. Both said the same thing "It seems like a tailbone injury." But I didn't fall on my tailbone. I didn't do anything. I just woke up with the pain one morning. After missing the last four days of work -- I can't stand, sit, lie down for any length of time and I'm in pain almost every minute and sometimes it's been so bad I can barely roll over. Other times, I can't walk without my knees buckling.

So today I finally caved and called the M.D. Seems he can't see me until next week -- and neither can any of the other four docs in the practice. What the hell? Are that many people really sick?

I told the nurse I didn't really care about seeing a doc as long as he'd just give me some drugs. I finally just took the first pain killer about 45 minutes ago and nothing yet. Boy, I'll be glad when these things kick in.

I see the chiropractor again tomorrow. Looks like no yoga this weekend and several more days before I can run again. I've already gone without running for 8 days and I'm going a little batty.

It seems there might be a chance the back problem is the result of the old injury "unraveling" and going back to the correct position. I guess I should expect some nasty discomfort when ligaments, tendons and muscles could be moving to new positions after being stuck in the wrong spot for 35 years.

I'll just have to be patient. Not one of my greatest virtues, but I'm learning.

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