Saturday, December 20, 2008

Getting better and better

I'm feeling better and better. While sitting continues to be uncomfortable sometimes, I can stand to put my pants on rather than sit on the bed and putting on my socks is getting easier and easier. I can even walk short distances without any trouble.

The key, though, is not overdoing it. So based on doctor's orders, I'm still icing and heating and relaxing as much as possible in the recliner.I saw my M.D. to share my MRI results that the chiropractor ordered. He had some interesting things to say like some research indicates that I may have been born with the herniated disc rather than having "done" something to cause it.

He said several other things but I can't remember (I should have blogged about this the same day). He did say sitting is the worst position for me and encouraged me to stand at work as often as possible when I return. And he, like the chiropractor, assured me I'd run again.

Went to a girls basketball game at my alma mater today. They recognized all the alumni players. Now I'm headed to a family reunion for Christmas. We have such a large family, we rent out part of a building at the local university. I doubt we'll stay as long as usual. Don't want to overdo it, yet I need to start going out to I can get enough strength to to go back to work. I could probably make it back to work later this week, but since I'll get two days off for Christmas, there's no reason to rush back.

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