Monday, September 29, 2008

Dragging but running well

Saturday yoga class was great. I did a headstand for the first time. I think my abs are finally starting to work. The chiropractor has been teaching me how to isolate different sections of my abs. Apparently, I've been using my hip flexors and back muscles everytime I should be using my core.

Also Saturday, Ohio State University won. And maybe best of all. I finally had energy all day. Then after a good night's sleep on Saturday night, I was exhausted again on Sunday. I spent all day trying to work up the energy to go on a 5K.

Finally, about 5 p.m. I decided it's now or never. The first quarter mile, I wondered whether I'd make a mile but then it all came together. Great run. Go figure.

I think it's all about hydration and maybe PMS. Haven't been drinking enough water and too much soda. Still too much soda today, but a lot more water.

Tomorrow, 3 or 4 miles, I hope.

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