Sunday, October 12, 2008

Two steps back

Every once in a while, we have to take a step backward to move forward. Or in my case two steps back.

I had the chance to work with a ChiRunning instructor for a short time the other week. I'd been feeling like my running wasn't as light as it should be. Turns out, I picked up a bad habit or two like bending slightly at the waist and a bit of an overstride when I first start to run.

So I backed way off my mileage and headed the track to practice drill after drill until I could feel the changes in my form. I'm always surprised how hard it is to be a beginner again, leave a watch or Garmin behind, and focus only on form rather than achievements (meaning time, speed, distance). I have absolutely no reason to have any kind of running ego, and yet I have trouble reigning in the monster.

After three track workouts, I ventured to the road yesterday and it all started to come together. I'm still slower than usual, but it's coming -- and I expect to be able to add back my mileage quickly.

Here's hoping the step backward is done and it's onward from here.

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