Sunday, November 9, 2008

A real pain in the neck

My runs lately have been going great and I was really looking forward to a short run on Friday followed by a longer run on Sunday. Until I woke up on Friday morning. I couldn't turn my head to the right. It felt like I had a giant knot in the right side and someone was stabbing me with a knife. The pain then radiates dhown into my shoulder and back.

I've seen the chiropractor and the massage therapist and still I can only turn my neck about 25 percent before the pain comes firing back. It hurts to write this post.

And why is it when I don't run -- or when I know I'm not going to run -- I eat so much worse? So on top of not getting my endorphin fix, I'm feeling hyped up on homemade choc chip cookies and Diet Coke. Not good.

Back to the chiropractor tomorrow.

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