Sunday, November 2, 2008

Holy Global Climate Change

Another beautiful day -- mid-60s, sunny and it's Nov. 2! OK, I'm all about the environment and making things better, but as someone who is really not into either cold or snow, there are some positives of global climate change here in Ohio.

Headed to the track today to try some form intervals. I haven't done anything but put in road miles for maybe the last year. I decided to use a friend's training program for a half-marathon.

15-minute slow, warmup
8 by 200m with 100m jog in between
15-minute warm down

4 miles total. Felt good. Don't know if it was the workout or just the euphoria of running in shorts and T-shirt in November. Best of all, it's supposed to be like this for at least another 5 days.

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