Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Walk a mile in my shoes

The chiropractor gave me the go-ahead to walk one mile on Monday, so I did. She warned me that if my ankle hurt the next day, I should back down to a half mile. I walked last night and it felt fine and no problems today. Woo-hoo.

I almost walked another mile today, but I'm trying so hard to take things slowly and not mess up my progress. So it's another mile tomorrow. If I wake Thursday with no pain, I'll walk another mile, and then it's another visit to the chiropractor on Friday.

She is surprised with how quickly the bone tenderness is healing. I'm just grateful. Looks like she may OK yoga for this weekend. I would love to try to run a mile next week, but I'll probably wait one more week to hit my 4 weeks like the orthopod said. No use is setting myself back.

Besides missing the endorphin release and the calorie burn, not running for the last 2.5 weeks has been tough because we have had low humidity and really nice running temps for the first time in years for this time of year. Looks like the heat and humidity return starting later this week in plenty of time for my return to running.

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