Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finding the joy

I wish I could find the same peace about running that I have with biking. When I get on the bike, I am home. It feels so right. I don't worry about speed. I'm not racing anyone. I'm just out for a ride -- almost always with my husband. Quality time with him, enjoying whatever season it is, feeling my body gliding along, and it doesn't matter if we are doing 13 mph or 18 mph. If I don't ride well, I don't panic. I realize I've been stressed, I haven't eaten well or haven't hydrated well. And it doesn't matter. It only matters that I'm outside, on the bike, with my husband and LOVING IT ALL.

So why can't I find that same attitude with running? I have been able to release my Type A personality in so many ways, but not running. If I am not checking my splits, I'm checking my heart rate. I'm constantly wanting to go faster, farther NOW. It too often becomes work; I want it to become joy.

My body is fighting me so hard and letting me know my biking attitude is much better for me than my running attitude. My heart rate is normal when I bike; it's off the charts on an 11 minute mile (even after only 2 minutes). I never hurt myself biking. I'm nursing a possible stress fracture. Actually, it's pretty much healed but when I went to run (on a very soft track the other day and I only did two half-miles,) I ended up with a lump above my ankle bone and swelling around it plus a bruise. It doesn't hurt when I walk. Normally, I would have tried to run again since I had no pain. I see the chiropractor tomorrow, so I thought I'd check with her first. Maybe I am softening that Type A. I even bagged yoga yesterday.

We'll see what the doc thinks.

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