Sunday, June 7, 2009

Oops, I (almost) did it again!

Last November late in the month, I hurt my back and missed four weeks of work and didn't run for 2.5 -3 months. I came back very conservatively both in distance increases and speed. But on Thursday, I just was having the nicest longer run and I added on a mile more than I should have after increasing by too much the week before. I really needed a recovery week (something I always fail to remember to do).

I've felt like maybe I was coming down with something all week. So I hadn't run since Sunday when I headed out the door on Thursday. Feeling too good made it hard to stop.

When I finished, I felt the slightest tug in my back and then it tightened up later in the night. It really scared me. Some ice and Advil helped, but it felt like I might have started something. I took Friday off from running. I taught 4 hours on Saturday and never drank anything. Not smart. Warm and sunny, so I came home dehyrated. After a nap, I just didn't want to chance running on a tired body.

I finally decided to give it a go this morning. I ran as slowly as I could and kept solid form, relaxing my back and glutes. I felt fine. I had decided to limit myself to 2 miles no matter what. It seems to have been a good plan. Right now, I feel fine. I have a little sensation in my low back but nothing to scary. Just need to stretch out some more maybe.

I've learned my lesson, I hope. A recovery week every 3 to 4 weeks is a must. And despite what others can do, I cannot right now add more than a half mile every week to my longer runs. My lungs, heart and every body part can handle more but not my low back. And I will NOT risk hurting myself again by doing too much too soon whether it's running, yardwork or any other activity.

I have to remember my body isn't 25 anymore even if my head thinks so. Hard to imagine I'm practically twice that these days. Doing too much too soon has been has plagued me my whole life. But maybe now I'm finally ready to accept my limitations and be happy with what I can do rather than always wanting more.


carrie said...

I've been reading chirunning for three weeks I just dense, or is it hard to "get" the first time through? I understand the concept, that part is awesome, but I think I need to actually see the postures in person or something. I try to do what the book says, but it just doesn't feel right. Did you go to a class?

chirunner said...

Some people -- me included -- need a workshop to help put it all together. A lot of people like for an instructor to check their posture since that's the foundatio of it all. Go to to look for an instructor and workshops offerred across the country. It really is worth it -- at least it was for me.

carrie said...

Thanks, I had forgotten about the website. There aren't any listed in Indiana...but Chicago isn't *too* far. I have to do something if I want to keep running. I ran four miles last night and my low back and knees hurt so much I could hardly roll over in bed last night. BOO!

chirunner said...

Is Dayton OH farther than Chicago?