Thursday, April 16, 2009

Catching Up

Although life threw a curve at me for 10 days or so, I managed to keep my schedule except two days and I made one of those up.

This will be short. Good news: Running well. Have transitioned to the road completely. Up to 2.25 miles and feel fine. Just focusing on relaxing during the run -- not the distance much less the time. Today, I just focused on relaxing everything in my body but my core and just making the run easy. No efforting, just relaxing. Danny Dreyer, creator of Chirunning, says the more you relax the faster you can run. I really paid no attention to time and tried to focus on relaxing and had great times for my two miles 11:04 and 10:31. I'm happy with that.

Had an interesting experience running today. As I was finishing the second mile, I was on a slight downhill when my foot hit what I suspect was a pine cone. Because of the mid-foot landing in ChiRunning I was able to land on the cone in an odd way and not turn an ankle. Mid-foot landing really does provide more stability.

Have been running four times a week -- three of the same distance and one a little longer. Seems to be working well. Really enjoying my little runs.

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