Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let's Get Started

Why would I want to write a blog about running? Call it blogger envy or peer passion. I keep reading all of these great blogs – from great runners to recreational runners, from ultra-marathoners to first-time 10K runners. And through all of their struggles comes this self-awareness, this confidence, this euphoria. And it makes me jealous or at least a tad envious. Besides that, some of you are just dang funny.

One of the first things I do at my computer each day is check out the hilarious and sarcastic Half Fast and The Lawsons do Dallas. Then there’s Running Susan, Pieces of Me, Ramblings of a SlowPoke, Run With Me and about 30 others that draw me back day after day. I especially appreciate the bloggers who write every day.

I love to see how you support one another yet are masters at self-deprecation. I enjoy reading a virgin marathoner’s account of that first time s/he crosses the finish line. (Inevitably, I have tears in my eyes.) I love following their quest, reading about their ups and downs and knowing I’m not really alone when I struggle. There’s comfort in that. And a glimmer of hope – and ego – that I might someday help someone the same way with this blog.

The good news is that I doubt anyone will find this blog for a while much less read it, so this is really me just getting a chance to sound off about this or that. Sadly, I’m not nearly as funny as Half Fast or The Lawsons, not nearly as endearing as Ramblings of a Slow Poke, not nearly as adventuresome as Run With Me. But hopefully with time, this blog will become a metaphor for my running – each getting better with time and practice.


P.O.M. said...

Thanks for the shout out!

I have heard about Chi running and even met an Chi instructor while running the LB Marathon. He was very cool and we ran together for about 2 miles. I'll be interested to learn/hear more about your journey.

chirunner said...

Oh, my first comment! I can't believe someone actually saw this much less one of my favorite bloggers. I'm now sitting here realizing, I should have linked to your site, but I haven't spent anytime yet figuring out how that works. The instructor at the LB Marathon has to be one of two guys and they are both great and have a great running club at Oops, there I go again talking about a site without a link. I have got to learn more about this stuff.

Amy said...

Hi Brenda!!! You're so sweet!!!

Nancy said...

Don't worry about how witty or funny you are or are not. This is for you, right?

Welcome!! Looking forward to hearing more about this. I always have a pain somewhere...