Monday, January 7, 2008

Go Ohio State Buckeyes!

No running entry today. Just a big OH-IO! We may be ranked No. 1 but Buckeye fans know we are really a HUGE underdog in the BCS Championship game tonight. It's like my high school coach always said, "Any team can be beaten on any given night."

Go Bucks!


Laurel said...

Thanks for stopping by.

I wish I could do the O-H-I-O chant with you, but unfortunately after last night's game, I'm not feeling too cheery. :(

Anonymous said...

You sound like you're managing better than I am. I couldn't even respond to your post until today. I haven't been able to read hardly any coverage, and I change the channel as soon as the sports coverage comes on. We really played poorly, but give LSU credit -- they are a good team. Still, I love my Buckeyes.

Pat said...

As a former Ohioan, I was rooting for the Bucks too. Hope your running is going well.